Kris Holmes on “Mybookcart & More” Podcast: “How To Set Your Career Goals and Land Your Dream Job”

Kris Holmes on “Mybookcart & More” Podcast: “How To Set Your Career Goals and Land Your Dream Job”

The following is adapted from Ignite Your Career! Listen to the audio for the full interview. Or read more at Do you work in a job you hate? Well, you are not alone. Millions get up to work every day, trudge to work, count the hours until 5, and then repeat the whole process over…

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Tune-Up Your Recruitment Practices to Reflect the New Work from Home Reality

The Pandemic Workplace Survey measured the impact of remote work on team culture, recruitment and retention. The survey revealed the glimmer of a silver lining which has became a reality: remote work offers flexibility that contributes to greater productivity and job satisfaction. It also opens access to a broader talent pool when relocation is off…

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A Step-by-Step Guide to Career Networking

A Step-by-Step Guide to Career Networking

The following is adapted from Ignite Your Career! If the thought of standing in a crowded room and starting conversations with strangers makes your palms sweat, you’re not alone. Networking can be a stressful, unpleasant experience, but here’s a secret: most people feel nervous doing it. Nonetheless, networking is a crucial part of forging valuable career…

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