O’Connell Group Named to the Forbes Best Executive Recruiting Firms List
O’Connell Group has been recognized by Forbes as one of America’s Best Executive Recruiting Firms.
Forbes partnered with market research company Statista to find the best executive recruiters specialized in filling positions with salaries of at least $100,000. O’Connell Group entered the list for the first time this year in the top 100.
Let’s do it again! Click Here to register for Forbes’ 2022 Best Recruiting Firms survey.
In releasing their list, Forbes pointed out that the past year forced businesses to adapt to unprecedented levels of volatility as the coronavirus pandemic changed the ways Americans work, consume and interact. Leaders saw their roles expand to meet the challenges at hand. Not only were they tasked with guiding their companies through massive market upheavals, but they also took on a larger role as community leaders, advocating for their employees’ safety and weighing in on political and social trends. Finding the right leader has never been more important; that’s where executive search firms come in.
According to Forbes, the top list for Executive Search is based on the number of recommendations as well as assessments in the various evaluation dimensions. Recruiting and staffing firms must receive a minimum number of recommendations as well as a minimum score across all evaluation areas to be included in the top lists.
In total, more than 31,000 external recruiters and 7,200 HR-managers/hiring managers and candidates were invited to participate in this year’s survey. More than 26,000 nominations have been considered in the final analysis. The results from last year’s survey were also used to support the assessment of recruiting and staffing firms that maintain a consistently good reputation for high quality work.